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As mentioned in the main page players first of all must have level of 15+

-Each and every player will be promoted to a higher level if he has achieved the following requierments:

1)Servants:from 15-20 (must have given no XP  )

2)Defender:from level 20-25 (must have given at least 2500+ experiance points to the guild)

3)Manufecturer:level 20-25(must have given at least 2500+experiance points to the guild and must have lvl 25+ job)

4)Keeper:level 25-30(must have given at least 5000+experiance points to the guild)

5)Treasurers 30+ (must have given at least 10000+ experiance points to the guild )

All members have the rights to control their
own XP% given to guild.
-Treasurers have the right to Place and Take
Kamas/Items from Collectors
-The rank officer isn't based on XP Given or
Level. They are hand picked


1) Undurablerock is the leader which have accepted you into the guild. 
2) You should not have a quarrel with other guild members. We are
always right, we respect each others opinion.
3) You should not have stolen or scammed one of ours in anyway. This
might result in being banned from our guild.
4) You should not bear the alignment of Brakmarian.
5) You should accept the rankings
as it is, for in the end we will
all reach equality. And thou shalth not hog for higher rank.